Tool For Calculating User Delay Cost Associated With Urban Arterial Construction Zone
Roadway construction work zone imposes travel delay on the road users. The monetary cost of the delay is called user delay cost (UDC). Limited work has been done on quantifying UDC in Canada and their focus were rural highways. If there is a realistic estimate of UDC, it could lead to less schedule overruns and more cost-effective work zone layouts. Considering interest of roadway agencies in quantifying UDC associated with urban arterial work zones, this research developed a probabilistic tool for monetizing UDC in urban setting using traffic microscopic simulation and Monte-Carlo simulation. Based on this tool, one hour of morning peak construction work on NB Crowchild Bridge created 169.2 hr of vehicles delay with average and 95 percentile UDC equal to $2,199 and $5,653, respectively. The application of the tool for selecting optimum work zone layout was demonstrated using the data from the rehabilitation of Bow Bridge in Calgary.