Kids Handwrite - Teaching Handwriting to Young Children: A Resource


Handwriting, despite being associated with composing better-quality text, has been neglected on the K-3 curriculum for many years. Cursive handwriting is making and comeback on the curriculum. However, teachers report a lack of accessible, available resource support for teaching handwriting to young children and secondly, they are not well enough prepared or confident to teach handwriting to young children and secondly, they are not well enough prepared or confident to teach handwriting to young learners. Our goal is to inform and transform written literacy teaching and learning among pre-service and in-service practitioners that in turn will improve the writing outcomes of young children in the K-3 years. These set the important foundation for literacy development over time, and equitable participation for life in civil society and its democratic institutions.

Handwriting, despite being associated with composing better-quality text, has been neglected on the K-3 curriculum for many years. Cursive handwriting is making and comeback on the curriculum. However, teachers report a lack of accessible, available resource support for teaching handwriting to young children and secondly, they are not well enough prepared or confident to teach handwriting to young children and secondly, they are not well enough prepared or confident to teach handwriting to young learners. Our goal is to inform and transform written literacy teaching and learning among pre-service and in-service practitioners that in turn will improve the writing outcomes of young children in the K-3 years. These set the important foundation for literacy development over time, and equitable participation for life in civil society and its democratic institutions.
accessibility, experiential learning, collaborative learning, research informed, return to community, equity, children, kids, italic, handwriting, cursive, writing, printing