Interface Currents: Supporting Co-Located Collaborative Work on Tabletop Displays
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Large screen vertical and horizontal displays provide new
opportunities to support individual and collaborative activities especially in
terms of creativity and design tasks. The size of these displays introduces
several unique opportunities such as co-located collaboration but at the same
time issues for interface designers such as: potential difficulties of
reaching workspace items far away from one s current position at the display,
and the tendency of people to walk around when using a wall display or sit in
various positions around a tabletop display. Thus, in contrast to traditional
interfaces, large display interfaces need to support access to workspace
items from a variety of positions at the display. In order to improve access
to workspace items, providing better support for obtaining and sharing items
and for mobility at the display which can be very important to improve
creative processes, we propose a novel interaction metaphor, the so-called
Interface Current, that allows interface components to play a more active
role in the workspace activity.
Computer Science