Responsive Regulation of Off Highway Vehicle Use on Crown Land in Alberta Headwaters

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Headwater areas are ecologically important and can be negatively impacted by off highway vehicle use, yet harmful noncompliance with existing regulation occurs. This thesis considers whether compliance with Alberta law regulating OHV use on Crown land could be improved by using responsive regulation, a law and society approach. The traditional approach to the law is reviewed and contrasted with the law and society approach. The physical, regulatory, social and economic contexts of off highway vehicle use and harm in Alberta are examined. The main characteristics of responsive regulation are investigated. One variation of responsive regulation, restorative justice, is examined and it is concluded that theoretically it could be applied to off highway vehicle regulation, but unanswered questions remain as to the cost-effectiveness of doing so.

off highway vehicle, OHV, all terrain vehicle, responsive regulation, headwaters, restorative justice, crown land, motorized recreation, dirt bike, quad
Surtees, J. D. (2018). Responsive Regulation of Off Highway Vehicle Use on Crown Land in Alberta Headwaters (Master's thesis, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada). Retrieved from doi:10.11575/PRISM/33252