Bioinductive Effects of Acellular Biologic Scaffolds Promote Adaptive Cardiac Repair Following Myocardial Infarction

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Ischemic injury may lead to structural remodeling and progressive loss of function, resulting in eventual decompensation to heart failure. Acellular biologic ECM scaffolds retain their native 3-D architecture along with a profile of bioactive constituents that may be leveraged surgically to support myocardial healing. In a proof of concept study, we have previously identified FGF-2 bound to the acellular ECM scaffolds. As such, we hypothesized that FGF-2-dependent bioinductive signaling from surgically implanted acellular scaffolds may attenuate maladaptive structural remodeling and improve functional recovery post-myocardial infarction (MI). First, we observed that FGF-2 has potent anti-fibrotic properties that limited human cardiac fibroblast activation and cell-mediated ECM dysregulation in an in vitro 3-D model. Biochemical characterization showed that ECM scaffolds intact with bioactive constituents released FGF-2 under passive conditions. In a rodent model of myocardial infarction, animals that received intact ECM scaffolds following ischemic injury showed improved functional recovery with evidence of new blood vessel assembly underlying the implantation site. The functional benefits and neovascularization processes were absent in animals that received inactivated scaffolds where FGF-2 bioavailability was limited. The FGF-2-dependent bioinductive effect favorably targeted cardiac fibroblasts, who demonstrated phenotypic plasticity away from a pro-fibrotic phenotype and towards a pro-reparative vasculogenic phenotype. The anti-fibrotic effects of acellular ECM scaffold-derived FGF-2 were consistent with our in vitro studies, however the phenotypic change was unexpected. The redirection in fibroblast phenotype was associated with a modified cardiac scar characterized by a pro-vasculogenic paracrine microenvironment capable of supporting new blood vessel formation and attenuating fibrotic processes. Once again, limiting FGF-2 bioavailability from the ECM scaffolds or blocking FGF receptors in cardiac fibroblasts abolished the induced vasculogenic phenotype. We extended our observations to human subjects where biologic scaffolds were surgically implanted at the site of ischemic injury as an adjunct to standard surgical revascularization. In patients with severe microvascular obstruction and concomitant cardiac dysfunction, acellular biologic scaffolds improved global scar volume and stimulated regional recovery of resting myocardial perfusion. In summary, acellular biologic scaffolds stimulate myocardial healing following ischemic injury through FGF-2-dependent bioinductive signaling that modifies the ischemic scar to support neovascularization, adaptive remodeling, and functional recovery.

Acellular Bioscaffold, Myocardial Infarction, Tissue Engineering
Svystonyuk, D. A. (2018). Bioinductive Effects of Acellular Biologic Scaffolds Promote Adaptive Cardiac Repair Following Myocardial Infarction (Doctoral thesis, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada). Retrieved from doi:10.11575/PRISM/32971