A deep dive into Canadian college policy: Findings from a provincial academic integrity and contract cheating policy analysis


This research examines how Canadian colleges address contract cheating in their academic integrity policies. The study analysed policies from 24 publicly-funded Ontario colleges, focusing on the language used to define contract cheating and the principles guiding these policies. Researchers found significant variation in how contract cheating is handled, with many policies indirectly addressing the issue. The study highlights a need for clearer, more explicit definitions of contract cheating within these policies and suggests further research to improve policy effectiveness. The findings provide a basis for evidence-informed policy development and revision in Canadian post-secondary institutions.

This is a sub-project of the Academic Integrity in Canda: National Policy Analysis project.

Cite as: Thacker, E., Miron, J. B., Eaton, S. E., & Stoesz, B. M. (2019, March 8, March 8). A deep dive into Canadian college policy: Findings from a provincial academic integrity and contract cheating policy analysis International Center for Academic Integrity (ICAI) Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.

academic integrity, academic misconduct, plagiarism, contract cheating, Canada, college, higher education, post-secondary, policy analysis, term paper mill, essay mill, cheating, academic cheating