Building Community: Creating Faculty/Staff - Student Partnerships at a Canadian Applied Learning College
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Building a community of integrity in educational institutions requires the support of all its members (Eaton, 2022). Inspired by Freeman et al. (2014) the students as partners (SaP) movement is one initiative toward building academic integrity community (as cited in Lancaster, 2022). The SaP practice seeks to “engage students and staff as collaborators on teaching and learning endeavours, establishing collegial working relationships based on reciprocity, mutual respect, shared responsibility, and complementary contributions” (Marquis, Black, & Healey, 2017, p. 720). Co-designing and co-facilitating in academic integrity endeavours has the immense potential to promote ownership, autonomy, engagement, and authenticity for learners, conditions that may lead to integrity violations when absent (Bretag et al., 2019). Cultivating partnerships among faculty/staff and students then is intended to prevent academic integrity breaches such as contract cheating (Lancaster, 2022) and other violation behaviours and through relationship building, may positively impact the sense of belonging, wellness, and equity for community members (McNeill, 2022). For institutions such as applied learning colleges the timeframe to engage learners in collaborations toward community building is noticeably short, ranging from 8 to 24 months, and programs are intense. In this poster presentation, learn how one Canadian applied learning college is forming faculty/staff-student partnerships to help build a community to support integrity in the classroom and beyond.