Calgary Regional Partnership Documents

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  • ItemOpen Access
    Draft Sub-Regional Transit Feasibility Study: Survey Of Community Residents (Black Diamond, Nanton, Okotoks, & Turner Valley) - 2014
    (HarGroup Management Consultants, 2014) HarGroup Management Consultants
    The overall purpose of the study was to examine awareness of regional transit concepts, and assess trip needs for the residents of select communities within communities south of Calgary; as well as to investigate factors involved with the implementation of a trial regional transit service among residents
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    Calgary Regional Transit Plan
    (AECOM Canada Ltd., 2009-11-20) AECOM Canada Ltd
    The proposed growth management strategy and policies contained in the Calgary Metropolitan Plan (CMP) of the Calgary Regional Partnership (CRP) have focused on the need to plan for a metropolitan region that is expected to grow to a size of approximately 2.8 million people by 2070 (from a base of approximately 1.2 million residents today) and accommodate an additional 800,000 jobs over the same period. Plans for efficient and costeffective infrastructure are integrated into the CMP’s proposed regional settlement pattern, which promotes intensification of existing development and directs new development to areas that can be supported by the efficient delivery of water, wastewater and transit systems. There are a number of specific CMP policies supporting the regional transit system and its strong integration with land use, which are outlined in the report.
  • ItemOpen Access
    (HarGroup Management Consultants, 2017-12) HarGroup Management Consultants
    The Calgary Regional Partnership conducted feasibility surveys in Cochrane, Chestermere, and Strathmore to examine the opportunity of introducing pilot projects for its ON-IT regional transit service. The surveys were conducted by telephone in 2017 with random samples of residents from Cochrane, Chestermere, Strathmore, and Calgary to assess travel needs and expectations of use. HarGroup Management Consultants Inc. conducted the surveys.
  • ItemOpen Access
    A brief explanation on the cost sharing model used for the south sub-regional transit pilot project
    Stantec Consulting Ltd
    Cost Sharing is a decision based on values. The CRP sub-regional service cost sharing methodology is based on the following three principles: 1. Equal: Implementing the service together is more beneficial than implementing service individually. 2. Population/ridership: Communities should be responsible for the portion of service used by the people from each community. 3. Service hours/distance: Communities should be responsible for the amount of service received and relative costs.
  • ItemOpen Access
    (Stantec Consulting Ltd.) Stantec Consulting Ltd.; Calgary Regional Partnership
    The Calgary Region is growing rapidly. It is estimated that approximately another 1.8 million new residents will move to the Calgary Region within the next 50 years. Growth is good for the economy and brings with it advantages and challenges that need to be managed. The Calgary Regional Partnership worked collaboratively with its municipal partners to develop a smart growth plan known as the Calgary Metropolitan Plan (CMP) in response to the proposed future growth of the Region.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Calgary Regional Partnership Open Data Licence
    (Calgary Regional Partnership) Calgary Regional Partnership
    Calgary Regional Partnership Open Data Licence
  • ItemOpen Access
    Calgary Regional Partnership Regional GIS Strategic Plan and Implementation Framework.
    (O2 Planning + Design Inc., 2011-05-01) O2 Planning + Design Inc.; Applied Geographics Inc.
    The Calgary Regional Partnership’s Regional GIS Strategic Plan and Implementation Framework outlines a vision for geospatial systems and information in the Calgary region. Geospatial technologies (often referred to as Geographic Information Systems, or GIS) have become an increasingly important tool for municipalities and regions and can assist in planning for a wide range of interest areas such as: Land use, Land development, Transportation and transit, Infrastructure and public works, Economic development, Environmental and ecological systems, Emergency services, and other topics. As issues become more complex, it is becoming more important to be able to visualize and analyze geospatial information to support planning efforts.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Regional Broadband Investigation: Needs, Opportunities, and Approaches At the Local Level and for the Calgary Region - Municipal & Regional Opportunities and Options
    (Taylor Warwick Consulting Limited, 2016-09-28) Dobson, Craig
    The Calgary Regional Partnership, in collaboration with local member and non--?member municipalities, municipal districts, and counties, Provincial staff, and partner organizations in the Calgary Region, has initiated an exploration of very high--?speed broadband fibre opportunities, needs, benefits and strategic approaches relevant to the Calgary Region and its environs.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Memorandum of Understanding Between Calgary Economic Development Ltd. And Calgary Regional Partnership
    (2017-01-26) Calgary Regional Partnership; Calgary Economic Development Ltd.
    This MOU establishes the terms for collaboration between Calgary Economic Development (“CED”) and the Calgary Regional Partnership (“CRP”) for the purpose of promoting the competitiveness of the Calgary Region Inland Port and the Foreign Trade Zone, to achieve industry growth and prosperity.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Regional Broadband Investigation: Needs, Opportunities, and Approaches At the Local Level and for the Calgary Region - Landscape Issues
    (Taylor Warwick Consulting Limited, 2016-09-28) Dobson, Craig
    The Calgary Regional Partnership, in collaboration with local member and non-member municipalities, municipal districts, and counties, Provincial staff, and partner organizations in the Calgary Region, has initiated an exploration of very high--?speed broadband fibre opportunities, needs, benefits and strategic approaches relevant to the Calgary Region and its environs.
  • ItemOpen Access
    A Business Case for Next Generation Broadband
    (Taylor Warwick Consulting Limited, 2017-04-23) Dobson, Craig
    Building on work and experience gained in other communities, this Broadband study provides the City of Chestermere with three business cases associated with the deployment of a lit fibre network.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Beginner's Guide to: Foreign Trade Zones: A Primer on Where They Are, Advatages They Provide and How Shippers Can Benefit
    (2017) Johnston, Reg (RJ T&L Consulting Ltd.); Van Horne Institute, University of Calgary; Brown, Jim, JRSB Logistics Ltd; Pellerin, Yvon
    Many countries, including Canada, find foreign trade zones (FTZ) an effective tool for transforming international trade, promoting their own goods while boosting the bottom line.
  • ItemOpen Access
    CRP Lead Sharing Protocol
    (2015) Calgary Regional Partnership
    This document outlines the elements of a Lead-sharing protocol for the Calgary Regional Partnership to share Leads generated through CRP-sponsored activities with Economic Development Officers (EDOs) from member municipalities
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    Calgary Region Industrial Land Inventory
    (2016-01-21) Calgary Regional Partnership
    This report will provide the Calgary Regional Partnership with a base of information it needs to plan for growth and change within the Calgary Region, following principles contained within the Calgary Metropolitan Plan.
  • ItemOpen Access
    A Business Case for Next Generation Broadband
    (Taylor Warwick Consulting Limited, 2017-08-06) Dobson, Craig
    To accommodate both present and future economic development needs, facilitate full citizen inclusion, and help eliminate any digital divides within Turner Valley, a community--?driven, utility--?based, fibre--?to--?the--?premise (FTTP) deployment capable of enabling symmetric access up to and beyond 1 Gb/s to all is recommended. The fibre infrastructure suggested will cost--?effectively scale to meet all foreseeable bandwidth requirements, minimize cost to all potential clients, and enable to the Town to maintain control of critical civic infrastructure.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Southern Alberta Connectivity – Concept: Concept Document
    (Taylor Warwick Consulting Limited, 2017-05-30) Taylor Warwick Consulting Limited
    With inexpensive, long term backhaul capability, municipalities in southern Alberta will be better able to establish utility fibre and wireless access networks and operate them on a financially sustainable basis, providing enhanced competition, reach, reliability, and affordability to users.
  • ItemOpen Access
    A SUPPLY CHAIN’S GUIDE TO INLAND PORTS: How inland ports can help lower costs and move your products faster
    (2015) Johnston, Reg (RJ T&L Consulting Ltd.); Van Horne Institute, University of Calgary; Brown, Jim, JRSB Logistics Ltd
    There’s a closely knit network of supply chain capacity created by the relationship between seaports and inland ports. These seaports and inland ports collaborate in a synergistic manner to provide multi-modal options that allow for highly efficient management of a supply chain,”
  • ItemOpen Access
    Southern Alberta Connectivity: A Municipal / PEP / CRP Collaboration
    (Taylor Warwick Consulting Limited, 2017-05-04) Dobson, Craig
  • ItemOpen Access
    CRP Regional Economic Development Strategy
    (Millier, Dickinson, Blais Inc., 2009-11-23) Millier Dickinson Blais
    The Calgary Region has experienced a rapid period of growth in recent years and the expansion of the provincial and Calgary economies has had major impacts across the Region. The city of Calgary has seen significant growth in head office, financial services, professional engineering and other services that support the energy sector and oil sands development. The city’s transportation and logistics, aerospace and health care sectors are also expanding. This heightened level of economic activity has contributed to the growth of communities within the broader Calgary Region, which have experienced some of the highest rates of population and employment growth in the country, and the emergence of the Region as an attractive location for business growth and expansion. Despite the recent downturn in the global economy, the Calgary Region continues to be one of the most exciting and dynamic places in the country in which to live and do business.
  • ItemOpen Access
    10 Year Regional Economic Development Strategy: Final Report
    (Millier, Dickinson, Blais Inc., 2009-05) Millier, Dickinson, Blais Inc.
    Millier Dickinson Blais has been contracted by the Calgary Regional Partnership to prepare an action oriented and innovative economic development plan that would guide the economic development activities of the Partnership for the next ten years taking into account the ongoing work of the organization, as well as the individual economic development efforts of the CRP member municipalities. In particular, the city of Calgary has recently adopted an economic development strategy that will have far reaching mplications for the region’s efforts at business investment attraction and marketing.